This page contains a simple menu for Mensa Langemarkplatz (Langemarckplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen ) on Friday, 31st May 2024 .
Sort Meal 1 MSC fish and chips 12 , Wz , Ei , Fi , Mi and remoulade 4 , 5 , Wz , Ei , Mi , Sen
Price Group Price Student 3.78 € Employee 4.98 € Guest 7.56 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 1183 Kcal /4952 kJ Fat 71.2 g saturated fatty acids 7.1 g Carbohydrates 72.1 g Sugar 10.6 g Dietary fibre 7.6 g Protein 29.7 g Salt 7.7 g
Meal 4 Apple strudel Wz or apple cakes Wz , Mi with vanilla sauce Mi
Price Group Price Student 2.28 € Employee 4.13 € Guest 4.56 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 691 Kcal /2894 kJ Fat 15.7 g saturated fatty acids 8.5 g Carbohydrates 121.1 g Sugar 66.7 g Dietary fibre 0 g Protein 10.7 g Salt 1.4 g
Meal 7 Forrest mushrooms with cream of herbs Wz , So , Mi , Sel with German-style bread dumpling 4 , Wz , Ei
Price Group Price Student 2.94 € Employee 4.13 € Guest 5.88 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 633 Kcal /2649 kJ Fat 23.7 g saturated fatty acids 13.4 g Carbohydrates 73.8 g Sugar 11.9 g Dietary fibre 2.1 g Protein 21.3 g Salt 9 g
Special Meal 3 Pizza Margherita Wz , So , Mi , Ge
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 3.53 € Employee 4.73 € Guest 7.06 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 884 Kcal /3700 kJ Fat 35.1 g saturated fatty acids 16 g Carbohydrates 108 g Sugar 6.1 g Dietary fibre 4.7 g Protein 33.1 g Salt 4.4 g
Special Meal 4 Pizza mit Thunfisch und Zwiebeln Wz , Fi , So , Mi , Ge
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 4.19 € Employee 5.39 € Guest 8.38 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 0 Kcal /0 kJ Fat 0 g saturated fatty acids 0 g Carbohydrates 0 g Sugar 0 g Dietary fibre 0 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g
Special Meal 5 Pasta all' arrabiata 10 , Wz
Price Group Price Student 2.73 € Employee 3.93 € Guest 5.46 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 0 Kcal /0 kJ Fat 0 g saturated fatty acids 0 g Carbohydrates 0 g Sugar 0 g Dietary fibre 0 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g
Special Meal 6 Gebratener-Weizennudeln mit Tofuwürfeln und Sprossen Wz , So
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 2.73 € Employee 3.93 € Guest 5.46 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 0 Kcal /0 kJ Fat 0 g saturated fatty acids 0 g Carbohydrates 0 g Sugar 0 g Dietary fibre 0 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g
Soup Cream of vegetable soup So
Price Group Price Student 0.90 € Employee 0.95 € Guest 1.10 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 558 Kcal /2337 kJ Fat 13.9 g saturated fatty acids 1.8 g Carbohydrates 89 g Sugar 5.2 g Dietary fibre 0.5 g Protein 17.8 g Salt 1.1 g
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Ingredients, Additives & Allergens required to be declared# Ingredients Abbreviation Meaning V vegetarian F fish veg vegan MSC sustainable fish (certified by MSC - C - 51840) CO2 CO2 Neutral
Additives Abbreviation Meaning 4 contains preservatives 5 contains sweeteners 10 blackened 12 contains phosphate
Allergens Abbreviation Meaning Wz cereals containing gluten wheat (spelt, kamut) Ge cereals containing gluten barley Ei eggs Fi fish So soybeans Mi milk/lactose Sel celeriac Sen mustard
Other Menus#