This page contains a simple menu for Cafeteria Kochstraße (Kochstr. 4, 91054 Erlangen ) on Thursday, 5th October 2023 .
Sort Meal 1 Brezenknödel Wz , Ei , Ge mit Waldpilzen in Kräuterrahm Wz , So , Mi , Sel
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 3.79 € Employee 4.79 € Guest 7.58 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 520 Kcal /2178 kJ Fat 25 g saturated fatty acids 14.1 g Carbohydrates 51.7 g Sugar 14.6 g Dietary fibre 0.7 g Protein 18.2 g Salt 7.4 g
Meal 5 Veganes Gyros mit Fladenbrot, Krautsalat 1 , 7 , 9 , Wz , So , Ses , Su , Ge und Tofu-Knoblauch Dip 7 , So , Sel
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 4.22 € Employee 5.22 € Guest 8.44 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 693 Kcal /2901 kJ Fat 49.7 g saturated fatty acids 4.2 g Carbohydrates 35.7 g Sugar 25.2 g Dietary fibre 4.5 g Protein 31.2 g Salt 8.2 g
Soup 1 Karottencremesuppe in Eintopfschale Wz , Mi mit Brötchen Wz , So
Unfortunately this description is only available in German.
Price Group Price Student 1.60 € Employee 2.60 € Guest 3.20 €
Nutritional values Nutrient Amount per portion Energy 348 Kcal /1456 kJ Fat 17.2 g saturated fatty acids 10.5 g Carbohydrates 39.8 g Sugar 4.7 g Dietary fibre 3.3 g Protein 7.1 g Salt 2.4 g
Ingredients, Additives & Allergens required to be declared# Ingredients Abbreviation Meaning V vegetarian veg vegan
Additives Abbreviation Meaning 1 contains colour additives 7 contains antioxidant 9 sulphurated
Allergens Abbreviation Meaning Wz cereals containing gluten wheat (spelt, kamut) Ge cereals containing gluten barley Ei eggs So soybeans Mi milk/lactose Sel celeriac Ses sesame Su sulphur dioxide and sulphites
Other Menus#